My Resume

Research Interest

Cartographic Design, Visual Storytelling, User-centered Design, GIS


Ph.D. in Geography (Cartography/GIS)
2022 - Present
University of Wisconsin Madison
CGPA: 4.00
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Robert E. Roth

M.Sc. in Cartography
October 2017 – March 2021
Technical University of Munich (TUM), Technical University of Vienna (TUW),
Technical University of Dresden (TUD) and University of Twente (UT)
Thesis: A systematic approach to formulate design recommendations for location based stories in Augmented Reality
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Mathias Jahnke

B.Sc. in Geography and Environment
January 2012 – August 2016
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


Project Assistant
May 2023 - present
University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
Course: Geog 370 - Introduction to Cartography (Fall 2022, Spring 2023)

Cartographer/Student Assistant
May - August 2023,2024
University of Wisconsin Cartography Lab
University of Wisconsin Madison

May - August 2023,2024
Dept. of Geography
University of Wisconsin Madison
Course: Geog 370 - Introduction to Cartography

Teaching Assistant
August 2022 - May 2023
Dept. of Geography
University of Wisconsin Madison
Course: Geog 370 - Introduction to Cartography

Geoinformation Tutor
November 2019 – February 2020
Cartography Chair
Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Research Data Coordinator
February 2017 – March 2017
Nazrul Islam Urban Studio, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

IELTS Instructor
November 2016 – September 2017
Mentors’ Bangladesh

GIS and Data Entry Associate
March 2016 – October 2016
House of Consultants Ltd. (HCL), Bangladesh

Technical Skills

Mapping software skills: ESRI ArcGIS Suite (Desktop, Pro, Online, StoryMaps, Experience Builder), Mapbox Studio, QGIS, ERDAS Imagine
Other tools: Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Pycharm, RSudio, Android Studio, MS Office suite, Tableau, Carto, Unity (basic AR, ArcGIS Map SDK), Scribus, SPSS
Programming languages: Fundamental knwoledge of

  • PostgreSQL
  • Javascript
  • Python

Language Skills

  • English(C1)
  • German(B1)
  • Bengali(Native)
  • Hindi(Conversational)

Conference Presentations

AAG 2024 (Honolulu) - User-Centered Design of Locative Audio for Mobile Cartography: A Preliminary Study (abstract)

WLIA 2024 (Green Bay) - Cartography for Adaptive Management in Wisconsin - Locative Audio Walking Tour of Green Infrastructure Practices in Shorewood, Milwaukee (abstract)

ICC 2023 (Cape Town) - Design Recommendations for Map-based Storytelling in Augmented Reality: A Preliminary Study (abstract)

Awards and Certificates

NSF Scholarship (2024) - Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure Workshop: Building High-Performance, Ethical, and Secured Geospatial Software at the 2024 AAG Annual Meeting (Honolulu)

ICA Scholarship (2023) - 31st International Cartographic Conference (Cape Town)

Trewartha Conference Travel Awards (2023 & 2024) - for ICC 2023 and AAG 2024

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (2017-2019) - E+ JMD Cartography by Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus consortium under European Commission

Merit scholarship (2016) for excellent performance in undergraduate degree at the University of Dhaka

Certification workshop (2016) – Leadership & Professional Development at Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center

Winner (2014) and 3rd place (2015) - group project display at National Environment Fair under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bangladesh (2015)

Volunteer Experience

Executive member, event organizer and photographer at Dhaka University Environment Club and National Environment Olympiad (2012-2016)

Volunteer at CommunityAction (a social service organization), Bangladesh (2012 - 2016)